Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 61, Issue 1, 2011

61(1), 2011

Letter to the Editor

Jonnesco: one century of thoracic spinal anesthesia history Armando Fortuna Letter to the Editor
Jonnesco: one century of thoracic spinal anesthesia history Letter to the Editor

Scientific Article
Regional anesthesia for cesarean section in obese pregnant women: a retrospective study Flávia Romano Rodrigues; Maria José Nascimento Brandão Scientific Article
Reevaluation of the airways of obese patients undergone bariatric surgery after reduction in body mass index José Admirço Lima Filho; Eliana Marisa Ganem; Bruno Gardélio Pedreira de Cerqueira Scientific Article
Intraosseous anesthesia in hemodynamic studies in children with cardiopathy Ana Cristina Aliman; Marilde de Albuquerque Piccioni; João Luiz Piccioni; José Luiz Oliva; José Otávio Costa Auler Júnior Scientific Article
Contamination of anesthesia circuits by pathogens Luiza Alves de Castro Arai; Ricardo Bentes Azevedo Scientific Article
Preanesthesia evaluation and reduction of preoperative care costs Márcia Rodrigues Neder Issa; Núbia Faria Campos Isoni; Alessandra Marinho Soares; Magda Lourenço Fernandes Scientific Article
Smart alerts: development of a software to optimize data monitoring Patrick Marcel Dherte; Mariana Pires Gentil Negrão; Silvio Mori Neto; Rafael Holzhacker; Vanessa Shimada; Paula Taberner; Maria José Carvalho Carmona Scientific Article

Clinical Information
Anesthesia in a patient with Job's Syndrome (hyper IgE): Case report Marco Antônio Cardoso de Resende; Alberto Vieira Pantoja; Ilda Antunes Lopes Maldonado Charruff; Nisval de Magalhães Júnior; Priscilla Luz Clinical Information
Acupuncture as adjuvant therapy in thalamic syndrome: case report Alysson Bruno Oliveira Santos; Judymara Lauzi Gozzani Clinical Information

Review Article
Caudal epidural anesthesia: an anesthetic technique exclusive for pediatric use? Is it possible to use it in adults? What is the role of the ultrasound in this context? Ilana Esquenazi Najman; Thiago Nouer Frederico; Arthur Vitor Rosenti Segurado; Pedro Paulo Kimachi Review Article
Cardiopulmonary arrest in spinal anesthesia Juliana Arruda Godoy Limongi; Rossana Sant'Anna de Melo Lins Review Article

Special Article
Bioethics in anesthesia: a reflexive study of reports published in the Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology Maria de Fátima Oliveira dos Santos; Genival Veloso de França Special Article

Braz J Anesthesiol

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