Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 35, Issue 5, 1985

35(5), 1985

Scientific Article

Spinal cord morphological alterations in dogs submmited to hyperbaric 1,2% tetracaine, 5% lidocaine and 10% glucose injection Vianna P.T. G, Vane L.A., Yong L.C., Franco M.F., Massone F Scientific Article
Headache following spinal anesthesia: The importance of post-operative positionis Bello C.N., Lobo H.A., Di Lascio J.L. V, Victoria L.G. V, Mathias LAS, Mathias R S Scientific Article
Spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine evaluation in perineal surgery Mezian A B Scientific Article
lsobaric tetracaine spinal anesthesia Vinagre R.C. O, Santos C B Scientific Article
Spinal anesthesia with 0,5% hyperbaric bupivacaine: effect oif morphine added to the solution Nocite J.R., Nunes A.M. M, Carvalho G, Oliveira D J Scientific Article
Epidural morphine for analgesia post-operative. A controlled comparison with intramuscular morphine Imbeloni L.E., Maia C P Scientific Article
lntrathecal morphine for obstetric analgesia Nocite J.R., Zuccolotto S.N., Oliveira D.J., Mendes C.M. G Scientific Article
Post-operatory analgesia: lntrathecal bupivacaine and bupivacaine + morphine. A compaparative study Morujão N.L. S Scientific Article
Respiratory failure post epidural morphine. A case report Nocite J.R., Serzedo PS M, Martins V F Scientific Article
Tunnelling an epidural catheter. Technique and indications Spiegel P Scientific Article
Effect of halothane and enflurane influencing the survival of animais innoculated with experimental tumour Cremonesi E, Zingier S.B., Rodrigues I J Scientific Article
Common bile duct pressure during anesthesia. Experimental Study in dogs Silva J.M. C, Saraiva R.A., Vieira Z.E. G Scientific Article
Nalbuphine in balanced anesthesia lmbeloni L.E., Maia CP Scientific Article
Anesthesia by nalbuphine and enflurane Silva J.M. C, Sairava R.A., Costa Filho A.C., Vieira A.E. G Scientific Article
Balanced anesthesia with nalbuphine and enflurane for coronary revascularization Nocite J.R., Cagnolati C.A., Sartori J.A., Gallo CM, Castilho O T Scientific Article
Spermatic cord anesthetic block in scrotal surgeries. Analysis of 100 consecutive cases Palma PC R, Kague S.A., Rodrigues Neto Jr. N Scientific Article
Balanced anesthesia with ketamine as intravenous drip in intra-abdominal surgery:100 cases Martinez Aguirre E Scientific Article

Special Article

A century of spinal anesthesia Reis Júnior A Special Article

Letter to the Editor

Sobre a Pressão Negativa do Espaço Peridural José Roberto Nocite Letter to the Editor
Atrofia de Língua Pós-Anestesia para Mastoplastia M.A. Gouveia, A.M. Rapallo, G.M. Labrunie Letter to the Editor
Recuperação Prolongada Pós-Bloqueio Peridural Lombar N. Treiger, S.A Mardegan, M.A. Gouveia Letter to the Editor
Compressão de Sonda Traqueal por Dentes Molares Eugesse Cremonesi Letter to the Editor
O Perigo para o Paciente da Pré-Curarização e do Uso de Bloqueador Adespolarizante antes do Agente Indutor Letter to the Editor
Fator Natriurético Atrial na Hipotensão Controlada em Anestesia. Uma Perspectiva Farmacológica Maria P.B. Simonetti Letter to the Editor

Clinical Informations

Oropharingeal tamponade method with continuous nasopharingeal aspiration Slikta Filho J, Pereira L.C. C, Pereira, L.H. M C Clinical Informations

Review Article

Placental transfer of drugs Katayama M, Jacob M.T. R J Review Article


Early anesthesia monitoring Barreto C.R. A Miscellaneous
Hemoglobin level in pediatric patient Conceição M.J., Silva Jr. C.A. e Roberge F X Miscellaneous
lnduction options in the rebellious child Oliva Filho A L Miscellaneous
Emergency health management in metropolitan areas Leitão FBP, Salgueiro C V Miscellaneous


NECROLÓGIO Prof. Dr. José Joaquim Cabral de Almeida I.R.C. BARROS Necrology

Braz J Anesthesiol

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