Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 73, Issue 1, 2023

73(1), 2023

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Original Investigation
Effect of seasons on delirium in postoperative critically ill patients: a retrospective analysis Yuwei Qiu, Eva Rivas, Marianne Tanios, Roshni Sreedharan, Guangmei Mao, Ilker Ince, Ahmed Salih, Remie Saab, Jagan Devarajan, Kurt Ruetzler, Alparslan Turan Original Investigation
Regional analgesia and surgical site infections after colorectal surgery: a retrospective cohort analysis Gausan Ratna Bajracharya, Wael Ali Sakr Esa, Guangmei Mao, Steve Leung, Barak Cohen, Kamal Maheshwari, Hermann P. Kessler, Emre Gorgun, Daniel I. Sessler, Alparslan Turan Original Investigation
Implementation of an ERAS program in patients undergoing thoracic surgery at a third-level university hospital. An ambispective cohort study Soledad Bellas-Cotán, Rubén Casans-Francés, Cristina Ibáñez, Ignacio Muguruza, Luis E. Muñoz-Alameda Original Investigation
Association between enhanced recovery after surgery protocol compliance and clinical complications: a cohort study Maria Ana Máximo, Daniel Santos, Afonso Félix-Oliveira, Marta Pereira, Cristina Carmona Original Investigation
Compliance with Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol recommendations for bariatric surgery in an obesity treatment center Júlia Gonçalves Zandomenico, Fabiana Schuelter Trevisol, Jean Abreu Machado Original Investigation
Early versus late sphenopalatine ganglion block with ropivacaine in postdural puncture headache: an observational study Nelson S. Santos, Joana M. Nunes, Maria L. Font, Cristina Carmona, Maria M. Castro Original Investigation
Minimal fresh gas flow sevoflurane anesthesia and postoperative acute kidney injury in on-pump cardiac surgery: a randomized comparative trial Eric Benedet Lineburger, Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo, Leandro Gobbo Braz, Paulo do Nascimento Junior Original Investigation
Early mobilization after total hip or knee arthroplasty: a substudy of the POWER.2 study Javier Ripollés-Melchor, César Aldecoa, Raquel Fernández-García, Marina Varela-Durán, Norma Aracil-Escoda, Daniel García-Rodríguez, Lucia Cabezudo-de-la-Muela, Lucía Hormaechea-Bolado, Beatriz Nacarino-Alcorta, Rolf Hoffmann, Juan V. Lorente, José M. Ramírez-Rodríguez, Ane Abad-Motos, POWER2 Study Investigators Group for the Spanish Perioperative Audit and Research Network (RedGERM-SPARN) Original Investigation
Bilateral versus unilateral erector spinae plane block for postoperative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized controlled study Sevim Cesur, Hadi Ufuk Yörükoğlu, Can Aksu, Alparslan Kuş Original Investigation
Inkk Trial – Intraoperative ketamine for perioperative pain management following total knee endoprosthetic replacement in oncology: a double-blinded randomized trial V. Susan Paulin; Sumitra Bakshi; Prateek C. Hegde; Akansha Rathod; Ashish Gulia; Ajeeta M. Kulkarni; Vincent S. Paramanandam Original Investigation

Systematic Review
Impact of topical airway anesthesia on immediate postoperative cough/bucking: a systematic review and meta-analysis Thiago Mamoru Sakae, Renato Lucas Passos de Souza, Julio Cezar Mendes Brandão Systematic Review

Case Report
Bradycardia in a pediatric population after sugammadex administration: case series Erica Viviana Guimarães Carvalho, Sandra Maria Carvalho Caldas, Dinis Fernando Pereira Pinheiro Machado da Costa, Cristina Maria Graça Peixoto Gomes Case Report
Debridement of axillary necrotizing fasciitis under anesthetic blocks of the serratus plane and supraclavicular brachial plexus: a case report Leonardo Saraiva Guimarães de Oliveira, Renata de Andrade Chaves Case Report
It’s not always postdural puncture headache: a case report and note to the astute anesthesiologist Ejaz Khan; Rovnat Babazade; Mohamed Ibrahim; Michelle Simon; Lindsay Juarez; Mandonca Roni; Vadhera Rakesh Case Report
Transient median nerve palsy following ultrasound-guided subscapularis plane block: a case report Syahrul Mubarak Danar Sumantri, Anna Surgean Veterini Case Report

Letter to the Editor
The anesthesiologist thoughts on medical residency in anesthesiology in Brazil Joao S. Castedo, Vanessa Henriques Carvalho Letter to the Editor
Factors associated with medical errors in perioperative anesthetic practice: cross-sectional study João Marcos do Oliveira Junior, Lauro Ferreira dos Santos Neto, Tiago Braga Duarte, Bruno Mendes Carmona, Luís Vinícius Pires da Costa, Daniela Ferreira Tramontin, Deivid Ramos dos Santos, Lauriana Marques Corrêa Letter to the Editor
Burnout risk among anesthesiology residents in Brazil during the second wave of COVID-19: a cross-sectional survey Natanael Pietroski dos Santos, Luisa Emanuela Biseo Henriques, Rafael Pivovar De Camargo Rosa, Rebecca Midory Marques Monteiro, Rafael Vicente Sanches Gonçalves, José Carlos Canga, Desiré Carlos Callegari, Esther Alessandra Rocha Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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